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This is a university project for a hypothetical brief given by Epoch, I am not affiliated with Fanta nor Epoch.

During my third year of university, an FMCG advertising & design agency came to spoke to my class which was very interesting and a positive experience as a whole. We were given a brief by them to create a proposal for a brand to deliver a new Corporate Social Responsibility initiative that aligns to a specific environmental concern. For this brief I chose to create a deck that contains an explanation of my key insights, a creative proposition and a key visual.

For the Corporate Social Responsibility initiative I chose recycling but made sure it was focused to be aimed at students with billboards with branded bins next to them to encourage recycling! For the product, I chose Fanta!

Main Key Visual

Screenshot 2024-08-19 225157.png

Deck of research & development compacted to present to Epoch, not affiliated.

This is all of the research & development in the campaign!

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